Well, boys and girls (and my mom, apparently), this is my first post as an eighteen-year-old. I's growed.
Emily made me a vegan cake from scratch last night and brought it to orchestra rehearsal. It was the sweetest thing ever.
And my mommy woke me up this morning with my presents: a bicyclemark tote bag and t-shirt. I'm wearing the t-shirt as I type. It's a good one. Nice and sturdy. I'd post pictures, but I still have pictures from a month ago that I have yet to post. So just use your imagination.
Unfortunately, though, it's too late to register to vote in the referendum.
For those of you unlucky enough to live outside the bustling Mecca that is Oswego, there is an education referendum up for voting on February 22, and I was looking forward to being able to vote in it. Essentially, if the referendum doesn't pass, every school in the Oswego School District will burn to the ground. Basically. Go here: